Another Robbery

ROBBERY On Friday 19 January between 7pm and 10pm apartment 108 was broken into. They gained access via the lounge window and, as happened in apartment 601, removed the safe. Other occupants of the block heard banging but did not report it. Please, if you hear noise at an unusual hour of the day, report it to the concierge on duty so it can be investigated. Once again, it is recommended that doors and windows have locks and that shutters are down when you are out. Phase 1 is [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:32:39+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

December Report 2017

Dear Owners, Apart from the robbery in 601 there were no major problems during December. Our annual Christmas lights were switched on and the plants outside block 1 were replaced by poinsettias. Sadly high winds gave these delicate plants a battering so we will have to rethink for next year. Repairs to the outside of block 5 were finalised. We have been waiting on a part for the garage door to block 1 but hopefully this won’t be too much longer. The new contracts for all 3 concierges have [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:35:27+00:00January 3rd, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments
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