May Report 2020/Informe Mayo 2020

Dear Owners May has certainly felt a little more 'normal' as some lockdown restrictions have been gradually lifted. The steps in pool 2 have finally been completed and both the adult and children's pool have also been re-grouted.  We also had to replace 2 lights in the adult pool but everything is now looking good just in time for the pool to re-open tomorrow, 1st June.  There is a water leak in the garden which Jorge needs to repair so the pool showers are off at the moment at [...]

By |2020-07-07T17:25:17+01:00May 31st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|10 Comments

April Report 2020

Dear Owners, April has been both positive in that some things have been achieved and frustrating that some things are still on hold.  The work to the pool steps was scheduled to restart on April 27th but the builders have been delayed on another job. Hopefully that work will be completed soon and we can get the pool refilled as it is a concern that it has been empty for such a long time.  The painters have been able to return to Phase 1. They are not permitted, at [...]

By |2020-05-01T11:46:26+01:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|7 Comments
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