December Report 2020

Dear Owners, Well we have made it to the end of this challenging year but even December threw some curveballs our way! We had a major water leak in the meter cupboard of block 8 which Jorge repaired but we are now monitoring the situation in the hope that the same replacement work that had to be done in block 3 last year does not have to be repeated in block 8. This year we have had so many burst pipes in the community which contributed to our massive [...]

By |2021-01-23T18:48:34+00:00December 31st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|8 Comments

November Report 2020

Dear Owners, November has been a frustrating time for several reasons. We have had a problem with lights tripping and it took some time to isolate the problem which we hope has now been resolved. We had to cancel the AGM with no idea of when it will be able to take place.  The door to garage 2 is broken and we are waiting for a part to repair the door plus we have a leak in pool 2. Our maintenance company thought they had resolved the problem but [...]

By |2020-12-01T13:29:48+00:00December 1st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|22 Comments
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