Cleaning of blocks

Dear owners The cleaning of the buildings following the damage caused by the calima has finally started. The painters are currently working on block 8 and then will work on block 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2 and 1. Because it is still busy in phase 1 they will first clean the fronts and insides of each block and then do the backs and terraces. We will let you know when they will require access to terraces. Patti

By |2022-09-06T11:23:36+01:00September 6th, 2022|Categories: The Governing Board|15 Comments

Looking to buy on Fase 1

Hi, This is Roger from Apto 308. I have cash buyers looking to buy the following on Fase 1. […]

By |2022-09-05T12:01:16+01:00September 5th, 2022|Categories: Owners|Comments Off on Looking to buy on Fase 1
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