Loose material appartement 514

Due to strong wind during the last 24 hours, a noise indicating loose material is being observed at appartement 514. I am observing this noise from appartement 509, just below 514. I have informed the guard but he informed me that the owner is not at home and that the the guard can not take action. Who is able to check this appartement to avoid more damage than necessary? Regards, Hans van Meeuwen, app. 509  

By |2023-02-10T17:27:08+00:00February 10th, 2023|Categories: Owners|Comments Off on Loose material appartement 514

Rainwater diverter ?

Can anyone advise where I can purchase a new aluminium rainwater diverter. It's the small slightly bent piece of metal glued (silicon by looks of it) on the rainwater outlet above my balcony. It looks like we have lost ours (or the one above) in the wind ? We now being soaked by the outlet above our balcony. Looked on the grass below, cannot find it. Leroy Merlin didn't have any, I'm not sure I described it very well TBH. Thanks Bob 907

By |2023-02-03T06:41:30+00:00February 3rd, 2023|Categories: Owners|12 Comments
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