Filled in Children’s Pool

Board -  are you aware that There is only weeds growing it appears to be wet all of the time, which would suggest a leak.  If it is a leak & Spain is in drought we should take a look. thanks - Karen 711

By |2023-09-28T17:27:39+01:00September 28th, 2023|Categories: Owners|7 Comments

Buildings Insurance Policy

I have added the community building insurance policy to the website. This can be found on the main menu Services > Insurance A direct link is here: I have just had a fire in our kitchen and the community building insurance does not cover this. You have to have your own insurance policy for contents, public liability etc. I have  also 80,000 euros in extra building insurance to cover glass curtains, other incidentals etc. UPDATE: Example of policy cover ---  The apartment above me Apto 312 there was [...]

By |2023-09-26T12:44:08+01:00September 26th, 2023|Categories: Owners|2 Comments


Previously you could call between apartments and at the entrance of the community using the landline. When the landlines were migrated to Avatel, that functionality was lost. So it is no longer available Viv Collings President

By |2023-09-18T11:36:14+01:00September 18th, 2023|Categories: Owners|Comments Off on Telephones
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