About Patti Senker

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So far Patti Senker has created 108 blog entries.

Report March 2021/Informe Marzo 2021

Dear Owners, Nothing much to report throughout March other than torrential rain yet again caused problems in a lift, this time in Block 2. The problem this time was a huge amount of water entering in the basement area. Obviously we were not able to have our AGM last November because of restrictions. We are now over halfway through our community year and some people are still unable to travel to Spain. We can either wait and hope we can have an AGM this coming November or try to [...]

By |2021-05-08T10:36:38+01:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|24 Comments

Report February 2021/Informe Febrero 2021

Dear Owners, No major dramas to report through February thankfully. More heavy rain did cause another problem with water entering the lift shaft in block 6. We asked Jorge to look at the problem and he has had discussions with Schindler as to how we might prevent this happening again. The insurance company will pay for the repairs again this time but they have said they will not continue to do so as it has happened twice already this year and the repair work comes to several thousand euros, [...]

By |2021-03-10T18:34:17+00:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|13 Comments

January Report 2021/Informe Enero 2021

Dear Owners, Some good news in that Cristobal tested negative and returned to work on 10 January after 10 days self-isolation. The financial situation has improved slightly although the amount owed to the community is still at an extremely high unacceptable level. The massive storm on 9 January caused power cuts and flooding which resulted in the lift in block 7 being out of action for over a week. The repairs to the lift cost almost 3,000 euros which we have claimed back on the community insurance. The worst [...]

By |2021-03-01T15:52:12+00:00January 31st, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|11 Comments

December Report 2020

Dear Owners, Well we have made it to the end of this challenging year but even December threw some curveballs our way! We had a major water leak in the meter cupboard of block 8 which Jorge repaired but we are now monitoring the situation in the hope that the same replacement work that had to be done in block 3 last year does not have to be repeated in block 8. This year we have had so many burst pipes in the community which contributed to our massive [...]

By |2021-01-23T18:48:34+00:00December 31st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|8 Comments

November Report 2020

Dear Owners, November has been a frustrating time for several reasons. We have had a problem with lights tripping and it took some time to isolate the problem which we hope has now been resolved. We had to cancel the AGM with no idea of when it will be able to take place.  The door to garage 2 is broken and we are waiting for a part to repair the door plus we have a leak in pool 2. Our maintenance company thought they had resolved the problem but [...]

By |2020-12-01T13:29:48+00:00December 1st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|22 Comments
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