About Patti Senker

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So far Patti Senker has created 108 blog entries.


Dear Owners, Following a meeting today with Voz Plus, over the next couple of days, the community internet supply will be increased from 50Mbps to 300Mbps. After Thursday 26th November you should turn off your router for a few minutes and then turn it back on again. Any owners that currently pay Voz Plus directly for a supply of more than 50Mbps will have those payments stopped. Nice to be able to pass on some good news for a change! Patti Tras reunirnos hoy con VozPlus, en los próximos [...]

By |2020-11-25T13:31:08+00:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|9 Comments

October Report 2020/Informe Octubre 2020

Dear Owners, Our community year, which began on 1st October, did not get off to a great start after attending Court in Malaga on 16th October regarding the claim made by our previous gardener Carlos. It does not bode well when your own lawyer says you are not going to win! After some negotiations a settlement was agreed to pay Carlos 4,600 euros.  In spite of this settlement I do believe we are better off both in terms of now having Inuso and the fact that we now pay [...]

By |2020-11-13T17:54:34+00:00November 2nd, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|4 Comments

September report 2020/Informe Septiembre 2020

Dear Owners, Things quietened down a lot in September and there were no major repairs needed other than to the garage door of block 4.  All the lampposts in the community and drain covers outside the blocks have been painted and the paint company are now working on block 1. The month did finish with a worrying incident - a young man gained entry to Phase 1 in a car when the concierge was not at the gate. This is obviously easy to do when gates remain open temporarily [...]

By |2020-11-13T17:51:37+00:00October 6th, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|9 Comments

August Report 2020/Informe Agosto 2020

Dear Owners, August presented us with more water leaks - one in the water tank storage area and we had a broken pipe between blocks 4 and 5. The garage door to block 3 was repaired as well as the chlorine dose machine of Pool 3. The painters had two weeks holiday and returned on 24 August. They are now working in block 2. All non-emergency work was suspended as funds in the bank account were running low. Gerardo did a great job quickly chasing up debtors. I would [...]

By |2020-11-13T17:48:08+00:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: The Governing Board|11 Comments
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