About Webmaster

Been happily living in Fase 1 La Cala Hills Apto 308 for over 19 years. Married to Evguenia and have 2 sons here. Antonio is 22 years (at Malaga University) and Alejandro is 14 years at Spanish school in La Cala. My tel number is: 622246522 I look after and maintain the community website for Fase 1.

Proxy and E mail Votes

The 2 main issues being discussed and voted on at this EGM are: The installation of 100 solar panels. Should we employ another (5th) concierge. If you cannot attend this EGM this Wednesday 21st June, 2023 you have 2 options: Send your 2 x votes via e mail. Give your proxy to an owner who will be attending. Proxy vote Some owners are struggling to send in their proxies, due to not having a printer or scanner. Therefore I have added the proxy form below. [...]

By |2023-06-18T09:16:15+01:00June 18th, 2023|Categories: Owners|1 Comment

Owners Please Read

The statement put forward by the Governing Board for the installation of solar panels is wrong and misleading. Currently we are spending €32,000 per year on community electric. This figure comes from last year’s electric bills which saw a large increase about half way through the year. This year’s electric bill is likely going to be higher than this. I have requested this morning via Patti, the last 2 electricity bills for the community electricity, which I have forwarded to my Energy consultant. Our current actual electricity bills are [...]

By |2023-06-13T07:48:39+01:00June 12th, 2023|Categories: Owners|15 Comments

Concierge Rota

Regarding the EGM and the rota for the concierges. Myself and a couple of other owners have been discussing options that keep both the owners and concierges happy. As owners we do not want to take on a 5th concierge to cover holidays, illness etc. This will increase community costs The concierges contract is for 8 hour shifts. However they asked if they could increase that to 12 hour shifts, so they got more time off. Legally it is better if we stick to 8 hour shifts Here is our [...]

By |2023-06-08T13:54:22+01:00June 8th, 2023|Categories: Owners|26 Comments


Hi, The concierges have been added to the community website. This is to make communications with them easier. Every post that is published by an owner, the concierges will receive a copy, and can reply if needed. Also below are the direct contact numbers for the concierge gatehouse. Phone number: 604 442 963 Email Address: conserjeria.calahills@gmail.com Regards Roger Apto 308

By |2023-03-29T11:45:51+01:00March 29th, 2023|Categories: Owners|2 Comments
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