About Webmaster

Been happily living in Fase 1 La Cala Hills Apto 308 for over 19 years. Married to Evguenia and have 2 sons here. Antonio is 22 years (at Malaga University) and Alejandro is 14 years at Spanish school in La Cala. My tel number is: 622246522 I look after and maintain the community website for Fase 1.

Need Apartment for Sale

I have 2 x cash buyers looking for a 2 and a 3 bed apartment in the area. If you are looking to sell at a realistic price then drop me a line at: info@bargain-properties.com or on tel 622246522 Regards Roger Apto 308

By |2021-07-24T19:04:44+01:00July 24th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|Comments Off on Need Apartment for Sale

Long Term Rental Required

Hi, I am looking for a friend, a long-term rental on Fase 1. Can be either a 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom apartment. If you are looking for a long-term rental with payment up-front please contact me either on: e mail: roger@cgomedia.com Tel / WhatsApp - +34 622246522. Regards Roger Apto 308

By |2021-01-23T13:41:35+00:00January 23rd, 2021|Categories: Owners|5 Comments
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