April Report 2019

Dear Owners, No major maintenance issues cropped up in April. The path outside block 4 has been modified to improve the access to the garages of blocks 3 and 4 so hopefully cars can now enter from the right direction. Tomi visited Phase 1 on 11 April and is signed off until his next review on 6 May. His doctor however has advised him that he cannot drive anymore which obviously would make a return to work almost impossible. He is eligible for retirement from the beginning of July [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:20:41+00:00May 4th, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

March Report 2019

Dear Owners, March was dominated with changes to our concierges. Tomi visited the community on 5 March and is looking well although he remains signed off from work. His next doctor’s revision is 8 April. Juan Perdigones retired on the 10th March and his replacement – a very nice young man called Juanjo – started on the 20th. He will be covering night shifts and is on a temporary month by month contract as Tomi’s replacement. Samuel who had been covering Tomi has now been given a permanent contract [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:21:04+00:00April 1st, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

February Report 2019

Dear Owners, Our new gardening company started on 1st February and the difference was immediate. Our permanent, full time gardener, Inuso, has been working incredibly hard and has achieved an astonishing amount in his first month. Hedges and bushes have been trimmed, dead trees removed, soil turned over and weeds removed. Inuso’s work is methodical, clean and non-stop and he is a pleasure to have around. The pots outside block 1 have been renewed and the plants that were there have been relocated to other areas. Carlos, our previous [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:21:23+00:00March 1st, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

Parking and Driving

After reading the discussion concerning parking I would like to clarify some points. It is not acceptable for anyone to just decide to park in a garage space that does not belong to them. There are a number of residents who do have agreements to use someone else’s parking space when they are not here but that has been agreed between them and the owner of the space in question. Parking has and always will be a problem in Phase 1 and it is simply because many residents, who [...]

By |2020-01-06T16:59:29+00:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

January Report 2019

Dear Owners, January turned out to be a busy month although maintenance issues were relatively few but did include the replacement of the pump in the children’s pool 1. The papers regarding our claim against the previous administrator were submitted to Court and now we wait. With regard to the situation with the gardening company the Governing Board met on 14th January and unanimously agreed that Almajardin should again be given notice that their contract would now terminate on 31st January. Our new company will start on 1st February [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:21:37+00:00January 21st, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments
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