December Report 2018

Dear Owners, December passed fairly quietly although we did suffer a broken water pipe in the square and in the garden area of Pool 2 both of which have been repaired. Our Christmas lights added the usual festive cheer to Phase 1. Pool 1 is being monitored as there has been some sporadic loss of water. Our new cleaner started on 3 December and is doing a very good job. Tomi remains signed off from work so we continue to issue Samuel (his replacement) with a monthly contract until [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:14:51+00:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

November Report 2018

Dear Owners, November was a busy month – all the palm trees were pruned by an outside company, the pump to Pool 1 was repaired, two new arms were fitted to the main entrance gate and repairs to guttering were carried out in blocks 2 and 9. An accumulation of rubbish in the storeroom of apartment 409 was cleared and the rats, which had been in that storeroom, disappeared with the rubbish. Those rats may have been the ones who chewed through a fibre optic cable which affected the [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:21:47+00:00December 4th, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

AGM 2018 Summary

Dear Owners, For those of you who were not at the AGM today here is a summary of what was agreed. Obviously you will all receive the full Minutes in due course. If anyone has any questions or would like any further information on anything just let me know. 1. The findings of the external audit report confirm evidence of duplications of various expenses and payments, falsification of documentary support and manipulation of the accounting which leads to the belief that the previous administrator has subtracted a huge amount [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:22:12+00:00November 16th, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

October Report 2018

Dear Owners, I’m delighted to report that Tomi finally left hospital on 24 October. The collection for him raised 130 euros so I went to El Corte Ingles and selected lots of food and drink items which were then made into a gift basket and delivered to him at home on Saturday 27th October. He was delighted! I have a 20 euros surplus which I will give him when I see him. We still have to wait for his doctor to release him as fit to work before he will [...]

By |2020-01-07T08:21:58+00:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

September Report 2018

Dear Owners, Concierge issues have dominated this month. Tomi’s son Paco decided, on 11th September, that he couldn’t continue working due to some personal issues. On 13th September a gentleman called Paolo started work but decided, after one night, that he too couldn’t continue. He worked a second night and then his contract was terminated. We currently have a lovely young man called Samuel – who started on 19th September – who seems very happy and content to continue. Samuel is on a temporary contract until we know for sure [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:18:19+00:00October 1st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments
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