August report 2018

Dear Owners, There are no major issues to report on for August. It was quieter and less hot than in previous years although, of course, the annual influx of holiday makers brought with it the usual disregard for pool rules in terms of glass bottles being taken to the pools, inflatables in the pools etc etc. We escaped any serious issues thankfully. The bathroom floor repairs at pool 1 were completed and the bathroom re-opened. Minor repairs were carried out including a blocked pipe at pool 3, a broken [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:20:06+00:00September 1st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments


Posted by Alison Marshall Apt 406  Hi Patti I also noticed on Monday, when sitting around the pool behind block 4, that the gardens seem very overgrown in comparison to previous years. I was with my sister and we both commented on this. I would like to wish Tomi a speedy recovery

By |2020-01-07T07:21:56+00:00August 1st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

July Report 2018

Dear Owners, Thankfully we have not had any major problems during July. There have been the usual minor repairs needed in various areas like the garage doors to blocks 8 and 2, some small water pipes in the gardens and a new net has been installed in the padel tennis court. The painters are now working on block 4 and also on the outside of block 3. They are trying to get the outside of block 3 completed before the temperatures rise any further. They will then concentrate on [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:23:14+00:00July 31st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

June Report 2018

Dear Owners, Summer has well and truly arrived which means that Carlos, our gardener, has been working 7am to 3pm since 1st June. A variety of maintenance jobs have been carried out this month including repair to the lock on the entrance gate of block 3, repair to roof tiles on block 3, replacement of some broken floor tiles in block 9, repairs to a broken sprinkler system pipe between blocks 8 and 9 and the moving of some sprinkler pipes outside block 3 which had been causing damp [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:24:27+00:00July 1st, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments

May Report 2018

Dear Owners, May arrived with a thunderstorm and torrential rain after which the temperatures climbed and we saw some sunshine although the weather has still been mixed. The painting of block 7 is completed and block 6 is now underway. There are some areas in blocks 8 and 7 which need to be tidied up and as soon as we get 3 painters back this will be done. We were down to one painter for much of May as they had to go and finish other jobs which had [...]

By |2020-01-07T07:25:40+00:00June 2nd, 2018|Categories: The Governing Board|0 Comments
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