February Report 2022

Dear Owners, Firstly my apologies for the lack of a report at the end of January so this report covers work done during January and February. Work was carried out to the lifts in blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9. Mesh was put on the entrance gates to blocks 4 and 9 to try and stop cats entering - can anyone tell me if the situation has improved or not please?  The work in the water storage area was carried out and then, shortly after, we had to also [...]

By |2022-03-02T12:02:07+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Categories: The Governing Board|4 Comments

Apartments for rent in Fase 1

Hi everyone. Our 2 bed apartment (110) is available for holiday rental and we are looking for others on our fase for friends/family to rent also. We currently have a friend enquiring to rent ours, roughly the first week in Aug 2022 and would like a second apartment for her parents close by. Does anyone else rent their apartments out at this time of year? Thank you, Liam & Leigh

By |2022-03-02T11:49:20+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Owners, The Governing Board|Comments Off on Apartments for rent in Fase 1

December Report 2021/Informe Diciembre 2021

Dear Owners, The mixed weather during December gave us some problems particularly the strong winds which damaged some roof tiles. Repairs were carried out to the fountain, the floor in block 2 and the garage door in block 9. Revisions and upgrades were carried out to the fire extinguishers around the community and from the 1st January we have a new lift maintenance company - Embarba. Gerardo negotiated a very good deal with Embarba which gives us a reduced maintenance rate and 3 free months this year and in [...]

By |2022-04-04T19:13:48+01:00January 3rd, 2022|Categories: The Governing Board|13 Comments

AGM Summary 2021

Dear Owners, Here is a quick summary of yesterday’s AGM. Full Minutes will be issued in due course. 1. Minutes of 2019 AGM were unanimously approved 2. Accounts for 2019/2020 were unanimously approved 3. Unanimous approval was given to take legal action against selected debtors if dialogue initially fails to resolve the situations before 31 December 2021 4. Community accounts for 2020/2021 were unanimously approved 5. Community officials remain the same 6. Budget was 2021/2022 was unanimously approved. Cuotas remain the same 7. An extra cuota to be paid [...]

By |2021-11-18T13:58:01+00:00November 16th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|6 Comments

October Report 2021/Informe Octubre 2021

Dear Owners, Work carried out in October mainly featured around the pools - the leaking pipe in adult pool 2 was replaced. There is still a problem with children's pool 2 and we are waiting on the specialist company that detects where the leak is occurring. We have the same issue with children's pool 3 so they will also investigate that problem. The lights in adult pool 1 have all been replaced. I met with the boss of our cleaning company and arranged that, from 2 November,  instead of [...]

By |2021-11-10T10:55:55+00:00November 5th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|8 Comments
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