September Report 2021/Informe Septiembre 2021

Dear Owners, September presented us with a new leak in Pool 2. The pipe responsible has been located and work to repair it begun. The entrance floor to block 3 was repaired. We had problems with the community cleaner after Raquel, who had been with us for some time, decided to leave. Her replacement was not fulfilling the contracted hours so she has now been replaced. The company that supply the cleaner will credit the community with the hours that were not worked. Community accounts have now been closed [...]

By |2021-11-03T12:13:09+00:00October 4th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|21 Comments

August Report 2021/Informe Agosto 2021

Dear Owners, August, with its influx of visitors, bought with it the usual holiday issues but no major incidents. The floor in block 9 and the garage door to block 3 were finally repaired after some delay and repairs were also carried out to one of the toilets at pool 1 along with various minor maintenance issues. You should all have been notified that the AGM is scheduled for 6pm on Monday 15 November and hopefully it will go ahead this year. The accounts will be closed off at [...]

By |2021-11-03T12:09:55+00:00September 3rd, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|12 Comments

July Report 2021/Informe Julio 2021

Dear Owners, July was an interesting and challenging month with some unusual events and a variety of maintenance work carried out. Jorge checked all the sprinkler supply and manhole covers in the gardens and replaced them where necessary as movement of the ground, after the heavy rain we had a while ago, meant some had become unsafe as Inuso discovered when he fell down one - thankfully he was not hurt.  The garage door to block 3 has been out of action whilst we waited for a part. 4 [...]

By |2021-08-17T10:12:11+01:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|6 Comments

Need Apartment for Sale

I have 2 x cash buyers looking for a 2 and a 3 bed apartment in the area. If you are looking to sell at a realistic price then drop me a line at: or on tel 622246522 Regards Roger Apto 308

By |2021-07-24T19:04:44+01:00July 24th, 2021|Categories: The Governing Board|Comments Off on Need Apartment for Sale
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